Exhibitions and Events

Introduce World Tea EXPO 2023 Hadong, Korea.
Exhibitions and Events


category an international academic seminar a domestic academic seminar
International Conference
and Spring Conference
of the Korean Tea Conference
Hadong World Tea Expo Academic Symposium Hadong World Tea Expo Forum a prior academic presentation
Theme The latest research trends
in tea science and tea culture
of Korean and Hadong Tea
The Development
of Hadong Tea Industry and Culture
of Buddhism and Tea Culture
Date May 19 (Fri) 12:30 to May 21 (Sun)
15:00 Kensington Resort
May 31st (Wed)
12:00-17:30 Kensington Resort
May 10 (Wed)
12:00 to 18:00 Multicultural Center
5. 20th (Sat)
13:00 to 17:00 Chilbulsa Temple
EXPO Inquiry

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